Friday, August 24, 2007

Get Rid of a Hickey Fast - Choosing the Right Makeup Shade

The easiest, most pain-free way to get ride of a hickey fast is to hide it, and act completely normal. The more attention you draw to the hickey, the more noticeable it's going to be to everyone else.

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Make-up is a sure-fire way to cover up the passion mark no matter how large it is (or where it's located). And since hickeys are red, any makeup with a green undertone in it will off balance the hickey's color. Another thing, if you're going to use makeup, ALWAYS GET A SHADE THAT IS LIGHTER THAN YOUR SKIN. Why? You're covering up something that's darker than your normal skin color, if you're using a color that matches your skin color, it will only darken the hickey (as opposed to having it blend in). So go 1 or 2 shades lighter than your natural color when choosing a makeup or foundation.

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Cover it, and leave it alone. Don't draw attention to the area and chances are it will fade without anyone else recognizing it.

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